
TWSBI Diamond 580 ALR Sunset Yellow

2024-05-02 00:00

I recently bought this, outside of the VAC700R I got last year, this is the first TWSBI pen that isn’t an Eco I’ve bought in a very long time.

I like it a lot. Feels like a much nicer version of the an Eco.

When I compare this to my impressions of one earlier version of this pen that I had back in 2015, it is a lot nicer and I feel like there is a bigger difference in built quality etc than back in the day.

Will probably end up with more of them when I see colors that I like.

Daily Carry

2024-04-30 00:00

My daily carry changes very little at this point. This is my carry when I don’t bring a real bag.

  • Travelers Passport sized notebook with lined and grid refill and a pen holder
  • A 4 color Hi-Tec C gel pen
  • Sometimes a Kaweco Sports as well

For non stationery stuff, I’ll typically also bring my iPhone, wallet, keys and AirPods as well.

Work Carry

2024-04-24 00:00

This is the current carry of things I always have with me wherever I happen to be working

  • Studio Neat dual pen tray
  • Brass Travelers ruler
  • Hobonichi A5 planner
  • Hobonichi A5 grid notebook
  • My regular sized Travelers Notebook
  • If I have any I use the Studio Neat Panobook or Rhodia DotPads in A5 if not.
  • Pluss all the stuff in my Daily Carry.
  • I also usually have a few fountain pens. It is usually 2-3 to a lot more of whatever I currently have inked.

Current desk setup

2024-04-22 00:00

My “desk setup” is what I call the pen & paper stuff I always have on my desk. These are typically items I either have two of, or bring between home and work.

  • Panobook from Studio Neat; or dot pads if I run out or they take forever in shipping to Norway. I’ll usually have one at the office and one at home.
  • Dual Pen Tray from Studio neat; this one I bring back and forth, but I’ll probably get more of them soon.
  • Midori Brass Ruler; this one I also bring back and forth, and I’m considering getting more of them.
  • My Hobonichi notebooks (A5 Cousin Planner, A5 grid notebook for goals etc)

I typically will have the pen tray closes to myself, then the Panobook and then my laptop or keyboard, with the ruler on right side of the keyboard. The ruler is mostly use to quickly divide the Panobook pages in 6 equal ish columns; the last one is a bit wider than the rest.

I’ll usually also have both the Hobonichi notebooks open and visible while working.

Most of the time I use fountain pens with all of it; sometimes gel. That is more a part of my daily / work carry than this.

I’d love to get two more of both the ruler and tray though. So that I can have one tray & ruler at my home desk, work desk and one in my daily carry if I’m working from neither.

Lamy Safari Pink Cliff

2024-04-17 00:00

I’ve been getting more into the Lamy Safari recently. Used to hate it in the start of my fountain pen journey because of the molded grip. And then as I’ve noticed I actually like some pens like that, like the TWSBI Eco, I bought one last year.

When I saw the Pink Cliff I had to get it.

I really like the pen. And got me into getting a bunch an frankensteining them.

The one disappointment about it is that the ink it came with should have been something more special than a regular Lamy blue.

Dropped pens series: Pilot Falcon Nib

2024-04-15 00:00

I used to love this pen. It was kind of like a flex-ish nib from Pilot. But I dropped it on the floor and screwed up the nib. And I never got around to bying another one.

It was great though. And a lot of fun.

Fuck I was annoyed when that happened.

Dropped pens series: the VAC700R barrel was also cracked

2024-04-10 00:00

Not long after I had written and sent the post about the cap snapping in two, I started to notice I got more ink on my fingers than usual. And turns out there was also a crack in the barrel more or less where the cap crap was.

Makes sense.

So I retired it. And I will without a doubt get another one as soon as I get around to it. As it being one of my favorite pens.

Dropped pens series: TWSBI VAC700R Cap?!

2024-04-08 00:00

This is the most recent one and what started this series. Like I drop things all the way. Most likely one of the advantages of having ADHD.

Most of the time I don’t care. Not one of the people who care about things look pristine

So my TWSBI VAC700R fell from the couch to the floor for the millionth time and the cap snapped in two right where the metal wring above the threads.

I just “oh man”, and I thought about ordering another one, but decided to just glue it on.

This is most likely one of the pens I use the most. So if this don’t work out I’ll most likely end up with a new one.

Dropped pens series: TWSBI VAC700R Nib Unit

2024-04-03 00:00

Seems like a lot have happened to this one over the time I’v had it.

After having it for like a month, I dropped it, and messed up the nib.

A lot stuff was going on then.

I remember it was early in the morning just as I came into the office, right at the end of the current consulting gig.

So probably a combination of slippery fingers and being a bit stressed about there was way too much to do before the end of the month.

Made with ❤️ in Bergen, Norway by Eivind Hjertnes