
Current desk setup

2024-04-22 00:00

My “desk setup” is what I call the pen & paper stuff I always have on my desk. These are typically items I either have two of, or bring between home and work.

  • Panobook from Studio Neat; or dot pads if I run out or they take forever in shipping to Norway. I’ll usually have one at the office and one at home.
  • Dual Pen Tray from Studio neat; this one I bring back and forth, but I’ll probably get more of them soon.
  • Midori Brass Ruler; this one I also bring back and forth, and I’m considering getting more of them.
  • My Hobonichi notebooks (A5 Cousin Planner, A5 grid notebook for goals etc)

I typically will have the pen tray closes to myself, then the Panobook and then my laptop or keyboard, with the ruler on right side of the keyboard. The ruler is mostly use to quickly divide the Panobook pages in 6 equal ish columns; the last one is a bit wider than the rest.

I’ll usually also have both the Hobonichi notebooks open and visible while working.

Most of the time I use fountain pens with all of it; sometimes gel. That is more a part of my daily / work carry than this.

I’d love to get two more of both the ruler and tray though. So that I can have one tray & ruler at my home desk, work desk and one in my daily carry if I’m working from neither.

Made with ❤️ in Bergen, Norway by Eivind Hjertnes