2025-03-12 00:00
I fell all out of using pocket notebooks during the pandemic. And then I never really got back into them, even though I have tried multiple times.
But over the last 2-3 months I have used my passport sized Travelers Notebook much more and consistently than in a long time. And over the last year I have had more periods with consistent pocket notebook use than I can remember.
Seems like it is a form factor I’ll use a lot more going forward.
2025-03-04 00:00
After a year of not much to do at work, and income being as minimal, I went into February in a new job. And hope that things soon will be more about how it is to use things I had to spend most of last year thinking about buying instead of buying.
The good thing is that I have cleared out a lot of my stationery cabinet and have much more room to get new stuff than I would otherwise.
2025-02-26 00:00
Been a while since I have written about my Daily Carry.
At the moment my daily stationery carry is super minimal. I usually bring my passport sized Travelers Notebook with a gel pen inside it everywhere, typically with one or two refills in it. And sometimes (when I have a larger tote or bag with me) the full sized one plus my Nock.co Sinclair with some pens in it.
The Sinclair will usually have two Kaweco Sport, another fountain pen and a multi pen.
2025-02-19 00:00
Recently I have felt like just kind of using up all I have and starting a set of inks.
A few favorites will be back, that I know. But other than that just use all of it up and get all new inks when that happens.
2025-02-12 00:00
I’ve been having a great time not buying new ink for the last year or so. Outside of cardigan for my Kaweco’s I’m not buying new inks.
It’s kind of nice to just see bottles and my storage getting emptier.
2025-01-22 00:00
This is one of those topics that probably everyone disagrees with me no matter what I say.
My cleaning practice has gone between “almost never doing it” to “always doing a full clean” and many different points between them over the years.
At the moment my way of doing it is to do a very quick cleaning of my pens when I refill them, at least the ones where I don’t use a cartridge. But do a full on flush until the water is clear cleaning either when I change inks or every 3-4 refill; then I often do a full clean on everything.
While I usually have different inks in different pens, I often end up changing things around on most of them when things change.
My quick clean for piston or vacuum fillers is to just draw in some water and push it out again, while with converter / cartridge pens I first flush some water through them with a bulb syringe and swirl the nib in some water.
2025-01-14 00:00
In the middle of trying to be all digitally and all of that I ended up getting a pack of Index Cards while getting some other stuff at a book store.
Just because.
I have kind of been doing my own ugmonk-ish thing for a few weeks, as I have in the past.
It works surprisingly well to just write down what are the most important 5 things on a high level right now. When it changes etc I flip it or find a new card.
2025-01-07 00:00
I left paper planning because I was basically just doing the same digitally as I was doing on paper.
After a few weeks off I started to see how I used to do things and started to think about doing that again.
So I started to move some things back to paper that isn’t much of a point in having digitally. Plus doing some stuff that is better to have on paper.
Like what days I follow a strict diet, when I’m going into the office. What tasks I’m doing what days etc.
So far it is working okay.
2024-12-31 00:00
I’m always being pulled between different formats for my working notebook. As the one I always have in front of me to work as my short term memory.
ADHD is awesome sometimes. Usually it is. But I hate some parts of not remembering shit, but nice to not remember spoilers.
What I like about small pages is that I’m wasting less paper when I decide to just start on a fresh page and move things over and that I’m forced to be a bit more focused.
What I like about bigger pages is that it is easier to have a capture section or divide things more like fun